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Advice for Supporting a Friend with Severe Period Pain

Menstrual Health

We all period differently: some of us bear the brunt of period pain far worse than others, and it can be hard to watch a loved one go through hell each month. If you’re feeling helpless and not sure what you can do, listen up! You may not be able to physically ease their pain, but your moral support can be invaluable.

How Can You Best Support Someone In Pain?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to caring for someone with severe period pain or endometriosis; however, by being there both emotionally and practically when needed, you can make a huge difference. The most important thing is to really listen to them and offer emotional support. Let them vent about their frustrations without judgement and encourage them to seek medical help if needed.


Lend a hand

Even simple acts of kindness like offering to run errands for them or helping with household tasks like cooking or cleaning can take a load off, especially if they’re in too much pain to move about freely.


Stay active together

Regular exercise and stretching can help ease cramps so encourage your BFF to get up and about by offering to workout together. Be there to motivate them, but just make sure you don’t push them too hard. If at any point they’re in too much pain or discomfort to continue, let them know it’s ok to stop and rest. Or why not try these YOGA MOVES together...


Make them a pamper hamper

Consider including things that will bring comfort and support during difficult times, like a heat or wheat pack to use for cramps. A magnesium spray or lotion can aid in muscle relaxation. And a book, magazine, or puzzle book can be a great distraction during painful episodes. Small snacks like tea, chocolate or sweet treats may help pop a smile on their dial - even if momentarily.


What Not To Do Or Say

It’s hard to fully comprehend what someone else is going through, and we all feel pain at different levels, so the most important thing to remember is to be compassionate. It’s best not to offer unsolicited advice on how they should deal with their pain since everyone experiences it differently.

Additionally, avoid the comparison trap. Your friend's experience is unique, and their struggles are valid. Instead of comparing their situation to yourself or someone you know, be there to listen, offer a helping hand, and provide the emotional support they need.



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