Katie Croft: Juggling Wellness and Creativity with Ease

Katie Croft - Pilates instructor, content creator, and childcare educator

Katie Croft is redefining the modern woman’s hustle. As a Pilates instructor, content creator, and childcare educator, Katie balances her diverse roles with effortless style. Her intuitive approach to wellness and candid embrace of period care offers a refreshing perspective.


Name: Katie Croft

Pronouns: She/Her

Day job: *fluffer* here, there, and everywhere! Pilates instructor, Content creator & casual childcare educator.

Location: Canberra, Australia.


Can you talk us through what you do?

I learned early on that I wasn’t destined for one thing in this little life! I dabble in a bit of everything! I appreciate the juggle. I started practising Pilates about 5 years ago, grew to love it, and have been teaching for almost 2 years. I have been creating content and snapping photos for fun for as long as I can remember! Once I realised I could make income from this, I’ve gone full steam ahead.


What does the juggle look like?

I teach seven classes a week, so I have two dedicated teaching days and then my content days. This allows me to put time and love into each! I also teach very early in the morning, so, if need be, I have most of the day available.


Where do you find inspiration for your content?

I find inspiration in so many things and so many ways! Physically, emotionally and spiritually. Life, relationships, fellow creators, random little nooks and crannies! Spaces and places. Much of my inspiration is intuitive, organic and in the moment. I find that if I plan content too much or overthink a concept in my head, it doesn’t land, and it can feel a bit yucky.

Pilates instructor, content creator, and childcare educator, Katie Croft

How does your menstrual cycle affect your energy levels?

It’s only in recent years that I’ve started to track my cycle, notice, and be with my body pre, during, and post more than I have before. I’m quite a lazy homebody on a good day, so I find that it doesn’t overly affect me! Every so often, I’m slightly tired and sluggish. My cramps are what affect me most.

I listen to my body and if it’s calling for rest, I honour that always. But I generally can push through my regular schedule.


Tell us about your period self-care routine.

I find Pilates to be super beneficial! I love a good child’s pose melt — a position that my body craves on the crampier days. Some supine hip circles go down a treat. A big hot bath and plenty of naps also never hurts :)

How do you incorporate rest and recovery into your routine?

My mind and body naturally crave downtime. It’s how I recharge and reset my batteries. I have my set days off to do this, and I will always be extra kind to my body when it needs rest most!

For me, my period = healthy. My body is telling me that it’s working and doing what it’s supposed to do, and it can feel like a sense of relief when I do get it. I’m past hating my life whenever I have it! I remember ‘skipping’ my period on the pill all those years ago. The thought of that makes me feel very yucky now. I try to celebrate it and live WITH it vs against it.

Katie Croft with her Pilates tools

What role does nutrition play in your overall wellness and energy levels?

I have a super balanced diet and never restrict food. I will always listen to my body, especially my cycle! It’s always a happier and more energetic day when I’ve had a nice hearty breakfast and lots of water.


What other wellness practices do you incorporate into your daily routine?

It’s the little things that feed me the most!

  • A {non-cryptic} crossword puzzle, pen-to-paper brain medicine.
  • I’m not big on journaling, but I appreciate writing things out (tasks, concepts, ideas, quotes, my Pilates programs.) It’s therapeutic for me.
  • A considered bathroom routine. Time with myself away from my phone. Skincare, lighting candles, oils, music etc.
  • Staycays or weekends away to reset and find inspo! New places, food and spaces are good for my soul. Extra wellness points if by the ocean!


Why do you think periods are still such a taboo topic?

I suppose a lack of understanding? it seems to be most taboo to men in my experience. They need to grow up (:

Pilates instructor Katie Croft stretching

How do we break these taboos?

Talk about it more! Be open and free of any and all shame… It’s something that every woman experiences. Women are amazing, and we should be so proud of what our bodies are and what we can do.



  • TO HEAR: The best house tunes that will knock me off my feet to add to my Pilates playlist for this week.
  • TO SEE: The world.
  • TO HOLD: A big fat corgi — that is mine.
  • TO VISIT: Japan / France.



  • My period in 3-words: Cramps/naps / healthy.

  • Period self-care means: Honouring whatever your/my body needs.

  • Period self-care toolkit: Obviously, my All-Over Daily Cleanser and my Period Boyshort! They are life changers. Having these wellness products lets me romanticise my cycle a little bit each month.

  • Best period hacks: Stretching!!! Pilates and slow movement.

  • Contraception of choice: Personally, don’t use it.

  • On day 1, you can find me: Two Nurofen deep! The worst of the cramps.

  • Scarlet pick: All-Over Daily Cleanser.