Clinical naturopath and nutritionist, Renee Grandi, shares her journey in managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and the strategies she uses to have a more harmonious menstrual cycle and overall hormonal well-being.
Name: Renee Grandi
Day job: Clinical naturopath, nutritionist, and master of neurosciences student
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Tell us about your career…
My expertise lies in women's health issues, with a specialised focus on endocrine and mental health disorders. I am currently delving deeper into the world of neuroscience through my masters’ studies, so my days are deeply immersed in unravelling the complexities of the brain!
Where did your love for health and wellbeing begin?
Where to begin?! I've faced numerous health challenges throughout my life. I have grappled with eating disorders, PTSD, depression, anxiety, hypothyroidism, and a severe nightmare disorder due to significant life events. At 19, I was diagnosed with PCOS and experienced its debilitating symptoms without receiving any meaningful guidance from the medical community.
Frustrated with the lack of answers, I delved deeply into health. Today, I am TRULY the healthiest and happiest I've ever been, and I'm driven to assist others in achieving their best selves. The journey might seem bleak, but with the right knowledge and support, there is light ahead.
Tell us about your experience with PCOS.
I dealt with extreme fatigue and battled with painful deep cystic acne that really took a toll on my self-confidence. Then there was mood swings, intense PMS, irregular periods, and hair loss, growing a beard… it felt never-ending. I genuinely believed I might never find relief.
I experimented with all sorts of remedies, but I've learned that PCOS is incredibly complex. It's essential to have a tailored approach because everyone's experience with it is unique.

What has your treatment journey been like?
I tried everything. I did yoga every day, tried all the different diets -low-carb, dairy-free, gluten-free, paleo, pescatarian and so on. I tried lots of different herbs, supplements, teas, adrenal support… you name it, I tried it.
What truly made a difference for me was prioritising stress reduction. I leaned into specific supplements, including vitex agnus castus, maca root, ashwagandha, damiana, L-theanine, and dong quai. To address testosterone levels, I incorporated moringa powder, spearmint tea, and reishi mushroom, which target the 5 alpha-reductase enzymes.
Have you tweaked your diet to help with your PCOS?
Every day, I took an activated B complex, magnesium bisglycinate, and a blend of super greens fortified with probiotics. Whipping up green juices made of celery, cucumber, ginger, turmeric, lemon, and alfalfa became a routine, which tremendously benefited my skin and energy levels. I committed to a paleo diet for a time, which I believe was beneficial.
How about PMS – what are some management tips?
Ensure optimal levels of iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. For cramps, my go-to includes dong quai, magnesium bisglycinate, cramp bark, boswellia, white willow bark, vitex agnus castus, and maca powder. I also consume red raspberry leaf tea twice daily. A shot mix of 1 tsp of ginger and turmeric with apple cider vinegar can also support cramp relief.

Finally, what does a day on your plate look like?
- BREAKFAST: I adore a super smoothie! My go-to has berries, 1 tsp. raw cacao, 1 tsp maca root, ½ tsp ashwagandha, 1 tbsp. evening primrose oil, 1 tbsp. pepitas, 1 tbsp. sunflower seeds, 1 tbsp. hemp seeds, 2 tsbp. Protein powder, ice and plant-based milk.
- LUNCH: I usually go for a salad/vegies and protein (normally leftovers from the night before!).
- SNACK: Usually fruit, I love grapefruit! Plus, a green cleansing juice
- DINNER: It’s always a protein, carb, and healthy fat. I love mixing it up, I’m always trying different recipes. It’s always fresh, wholefood and filled with lots of vegetables and herbs!
You can follow Renee on Instagram and TikTok.