Liv Brown, founder of Rattle, helps mums rediscover their style and confidence. Here, she shares how fashion and self-care intersect in her busy life.
Name: Liv Brown
Pronouns: She / Her
Day job: Mum and personal stylist!
Location: Melbourne
Describe your work in one sentence:
I am a personal stylist for mums, empowering them to rediscover themselves through style.
How did Rattle come to life?
I have always been into fashion and style and never imagined I wouldn’t know how to dress myself. But after becoming a mum and experiencing my first postpartum, I felt like a completely different person. I struggled to dress for the “new me” and realised this was a common experience. I started by taking friends shopping, and it grew from there.
What’s the best part of helping new mums?
Helping mums do something for themselves that makes them feel amazing is what I love most. We are so used to putting everyone else first, so giving them back the confidence they’ve lost feels incredible.

How did your style change during pregnancy and postpartum?
Unpopular opinion, but I love dressing during pregnancy. I struggle more during postpartum. I don’t think my style has changed too much; it’s always evolving. I embraced more during my second pregnancy and felt confident showing off my bump.
What are your top three go-to pieces for looking put-together on no sleep?
I love clean and cute shoes. Whether I’m pairing my favourite sneakers with fun socks or wearing a nice pair of ballet flats, shoes can make an outfit. I also love my jackets and a pair of "nice" wide-leg track pants.
What are some essential self-care tips for new mothers?
Getting dressed every morning. Even if it is nice gym clothes or a tracksuit, wear clothes you feel good in. I also love a Friday afternoon wine!

What self-care rituals helped you during pregnancy and postpartum?
In my first pregnancy, I made sure to enjoy all the things I’d likely miss as a mum. I saw so many movies in the cinema, went out for dinners with the girls, and just relaxed. That wasn’t as easy with the second; honestly, my second pregnancy is a blur!
Postpartum, my tip would be to go to bed as early as possible. I still go to bed when Otis does, around 6:30! I also always make time for things I love to do, even if it’s with the kids. We love going to a wine bar down the road on the weekend. Also, not having too much of a routine works for us - don’t stress about what time the kids go to bed on weekends!
How do you balance business, motherhood, and self-care? Any top tips?
I'll tell you once I figure it out! Haha, no, I'm kidding. I think I’m starting to get the hang of it - just. Last year was all about work and mum life, not much self-care. This year, I'm making sure I have time for two exercise classes a week. Putting them in the diary as though they're work will hopefully help, but also accepting that some days won’t go to plan, and I won't get through my to-do list.
Post-partum periods … spill!!
It took 10 months for my period to come back after my first. I was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t change much. This time around, I’ve had period pain for a few months, but still no period, 8 months postpartum!
I heard your periods can be heavier. I didn’t find that after my first, but I am nervous about it this time.

Top tips for managing menstrual discomfort postpartum?
Heatpacks, chocolate and getting some babysitting so you can have a couch day.
What's the ultimate cool and comfy period outfit?
I am obsessed with my new On Parks pants - they would be perfect with a LEM oversized shirt.
How should we change the conversation around menstrual health?
Not be ashamed to openly talk about periods. So much has changed even since I had Gus. I used to wear tampons, but now I'm excited to try a menstrual cup.
- TO HEAR… I am obsessed with Podcasts; Beyond the Bump and Happy Hour are my go to’s.
- TO SEE… Call me basic but I am a Love Island addict.
- TO HOLD… My best friend is having a baby girl this year, and I think about my first cuddle with her daily.
- TO VISIT... JAPAN - so desperate to go.
- My period in 3-words: Manageable, cleanse, draining
- Flow style: Moderate
- Length: 5 days
- On day 1, you'll find me... On the couch snuggling the boys
- Scarlet pick: I would love to try the cup!
- Period self-care means... YUM FOOD (chips and strawberries) and early nights
- Best period hacks: Be nice to yourself!
Contraception of choice: We are not really in a contraception stage of life, haha! We want a few kids, so for now, we are just playing it as safely as possible, but we also don’t mind what happens.