5 Things Not to Say to Someone with Endometriosis

SCARLE PERIOD BLOG | 5 Things Not to Say to Someone with Endometriosis

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month - meaning it’s time to stop the myths, ditch the dismissive comments, and start supporting those who live with this chronic condition. Endometriosis isn’t just “bad period pain.” It’s a whole-body disease where tissue like the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, causing excruciating pain, organ damage, and, in many cases, infertility. With 1 in 7 women affected and an average diagnosis delay of seven years, it’s clear that we need better awareness.

A good place to start? Watch your words. Here are five things you shouldn’t say to someone with endo - and what to say instead.


“Isn’t that just bad period pain?”

Endo pain isn’t just a ‘bad cramp’ - it’s inflammation, nerve pain, scar tissue, and adhesions. It’s organs sticking together. It’s the kind of pain that can land people in the ER. Comparing it to regular period discomfort dismisses the severity of the condition.

Say this instead: “That sounds awful - how does it affect you daily?” Showing interest and acknowledging their pain is far more supportive than minimising it.


“Have you tried taking Panadol or going on the Pill?”

Chances are, they have. They have probably tried everything. Painkillers barely touch endo pain, and while hormonal treatments can help some people, they aren’t a cure. Many still need surgeries, pain management, and lifestyle changes just to function.

Say this instead: “I know endo is tough to treat. Have you found anything that helps?” Let them lead the conversation about what works for them.


“It’ll probably get better when you have a baby.”

No, pregnancy is not a cure for endometriosis. Neither is menopause. In fact, endo can make fertility a battleground. Be mindful of your words - endo is a complex, lifelong condition. While symptoms may shift, suggesting pregnancy as a “treatment” is dismissive, outdated, and medically inaccurate.

Say this instead: “I hope you’re getting the care you need. Do you have a good doctor?” Acknowledging the medical challenges of endo is far more helpful.


“At least you can still have kids, right?”

Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of infertility, and fertility struggles can be deeply painful to discuss. Even if someone can conceive, it’s not the silver lining you think it is - endo can make pregnancy high-risk and painful.

Say this instead: “I’m here for you, whatever you’re going through.” Because that’s what actually matters.


“You don’t look sick.”

Endo is an invisible illness. Just because someone isn’t curled up in pain in front of you doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering. Many push through excruciating symptoms daily.

Say this instead: “I know you deal with a lot. If you ever need support, I’m here.” A little validation goes a long way.


So, How Can You Support Someone with Endo?

Beyond words, small actions can make a difference. Ask them what they need. Offer practical help. If they’re having a bad flare, consider:

  • Running them a warm bath.
  • Picking up their groceries or medication.
  • Helping with housework or pet care.
  • Being flexible with plans (no guilt for last-minute cancellations).
  • Sharing resources, like endometriosis charities and support networks.


About the Author

Holly Dodd is a freelance writer from London. She covers culture, lifestyle, and women’s health, with a passion for storytelling that informs and inspires. Find more of her work at The Writer’s Diary