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The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Caring for Your Period Cup

Period Products

Whether you're a seasoned cup user or a newbie, these essential tips will help you get the most out of your Period Cup. Plus, we've got some great products to make the process a breeze.


Sterilizing Cup Holder

Ladies, we're starting with a game-changer – our Sterilizing Cup Holder! With this nifty accessory now coming free with all orders, you're in for a treat. Fill it with water, place your period cup inside, close the lid, and pop it in the microwave for just one minute. Voilà! You've just eliminated 99.9% of bacteria. Remember to let it cool before handling; we don't want any steamy surprises.


Boiling Method

For those without a microwave or craving a more traditional approach, grab a pot, boil some water, and submerge your cup for 5 to 10 minutes. It's like giving your cup a spa day. This technique ensures thorough sanitization without any fuss.


On-The-Go Cleansing Wipes

Imagine this: you're out and about, and it's time for a cup refresh. Our On-The-Go Cleansing Wipes are here to save the day! Simply wipe, let it quick-dry, and re-insert. No water required! Plus, they're biodegradable, so you can feel good about your eco-friendly choice while staying fresh on the move.


pH-Balanced Period Cup & Hand Wash

If you're all about maintaining that fresh, clean feeling, our pH-balanced Period Cup & Hand Wash is your BFF. It's formulated with soothing chamomile, known for its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. Not only will your cup thank you, but your hands will also be soft and pampered. It's a win-win!


A Few Extra Tips

👉 Before Use: Always start with a clean slate. Give your cup a thorough cleaning before its first use, using any of the above methods.

👉 Daily Cleaning: Keep that cup sparkling by cleaning it every day after use. And remember, wash your hands both before cleaning and before inserting your cup for that extra layer of hygiene.

👉 End of Cycle: When Aunt Flo's visit comes to an end, make sure to give your cup a final clean and let it air dry completely before storing it in your holder or another pouch.

👉 Treat with Care: Our cups are made from silicone, so steer clear of oil-based products that can break down the material. And please, avoid using anything acidic or chemical to clean – we're all about keeping things gentle and irritation-free.

Explore our range of Period Cups and care products and extras for a carefree cycle.


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