A Conversation with Endometriosis and Fertility Coach Sarah Hopkins

Fertility Coach Sarah Hopkins talks to Scarlet Period about menstrual Health

We talked to Sarah Hopkins, an Endometriosis and Fertility Coach from Perth. Sarah's journey started with her struggles with hormonal imbalances and gut issues. Through her personal experience and extensive training, she now dedicates herself to helping women find holistic solutions to their health challenges.


Name: Sarah Hopkins
Pronouns: She/Her
Day job: Endometriosis and Fertility Coach
Location: Perth, WA


Tell us about your work.

I’m a CHEK-trained Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. I’ve worked with women for over 11 years, supporting them with hormone, gut, and fertility health.


What led you on this journey?

My journey was the catalyst for my health coaching career. I had hormone and gut issues for as long as I could remember and was put on the contraceptive pill to remediate it. My symptoms didn’t improve, and in my mid-20s, I decided to come off the pill, only to discover that I didn’t menstruate naturally. I suffered from amenorrhea (the absence of a menstrual cycle) for 10 years. During this time, I visited many health practitioners and was told by most not to worry and when I wanted to conceive, do IVF.

It was not until I came across a book by my mentor, Paul Chek, that things started to improve. Over time, my body healed, my skin cleared up, my digestion improved, and my cycle eventually returned to a healthy 28-day cycle. Finally, when I wanted to conceive, I fell pregnant easily and naturally.


What can help ease period symptoms?

The menstrual cycle is your monthly report card on your overall health. If you have painful and uncomfortable periods, this is the body’s way of communicating. There is an imbalance that needs to be addressed. Because hormones are related to every other system in the body, what will support improving them depends on improving diet, managing stress, improving sleep, minimizing toxins, and more, which will all help to alleviate PMS symptoms for future cycles.


What about endometriosis symptoms?

Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition so it’s essential to work on gut health to reduce inflammation. This includes removing inflammatory foods like gluten (and many more) from the diet.

Inflammation also causes a high production of stress hormones, so managing stress is crucial for ensuring a more balanced nervous system.

Finally, because endometriosis is an estrogen-dominant condition, it’s important to minimize exposure to toxic personal care products, as a lot of these can be very disruptive to the endocrine system (hormonal system).


What dietary or lifestyle have a great impact on fertility?

My work is all about helping women find whole-body balance and health. Ultimately, when the whole body is in a state of homeostasis (balance), it will be more fertile.

A few foods are fertility superfoods, such as liver and oysters. They contain the highest natural known source of every single micronutrient required for healthy conception and gestation. You can get good supplement forms of both these days.


Is there a connection between good gut healthy and a healthy flow?

Gut health is connected to nearly every other body system related to menstrual flow. If the digestive system is inflamed, there will be a higher production of stress hormones, which impacts our sex hormones, especially in the luteal phase, and can make our flow heavier, clottier, and more painful.


What are three gut health builders?

The best way to manage gut health and inflammation is to avoid inflammatory foods like soy and gluten. Drinking bone broth prepared and made properly can also help heal the gut. Most importantly, reducing our stress load as much as possible.


What are some signs your hormones are out of whack?

The signs of a healthy, balanced hormonal state are as follows:

  • Minimal to no PMS
  • Minimal to no pre-menstrual or menstrual pain
  • Minimal to no cramps
  • Minimal to no bloating
  • Healthy bright red bleed that lasts 4-5 days
  • No spotting before or after the bleed
  • 28-day cycle


How can we support our hormonal health?

The twenties and thirties are our primary fertile years, so watch out for any cycle irregularities. If so, work on improving your diet and lifestyle accordingly. It’s easy in these decades to overwork or push our bodies to their limit to look good, but all of these things can be detrimental to our health and fertility.

In our forties, we are entering perimenopause, a more fragile state. Often, this is where we pay the price for what we haven’t paid attention to with our health in our 20s and 30s. It’s even more important to create a balanced state so we can go through menopause without any of the uncomfortable symptoms associated with this transition.



  • My period in 3-words: A woman’s gift.
  • Period self-care means... Making sure I’m looking after myself all month. I always eat organic, nutrient-dense foods. I eat regularly to keep my hormones stable. I exercise regularly but mindfully, meditate daily, prioritise sleep hygiene, and get daily sunlight.
  • Period self-care toolkit: Pana Chocolate.
  • Contraception method of choice: Cycle tracking.
  • Best period hack: Period underwear - the basic Bikini Brief.